Wednesday, November 08, 2006

apli vs. iris

is apli going to be another iris?

observing from the way they play it, i believe so. lets see. it will be another good show to watch in bursa malaysia. i prefer to stay sideline for this kinda stock, it is way too risky, not worth a bet. because when it falls, you will definitely lose your pants off.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


bought wimems @ RM0.445. it should have another round up since it hasn't really picked up since KLCI hit 1000pts.

apli is now trading at RM0.33. bloody hell. i could have made another RM700.

anyway its too late now. will watch this, and might make an entry later if the selling pressure is well absorbed.

why i did not let the profit run?

i'm regret that i disposed apli too early. it has just broken out from RM0.245. now trading at RM0.28.

sometimes i just don't have enough patience.

mbf holdings

sold mbf holdings.

entry price: RM0.47
exit price: RM0.515
contra profit: RM219.26

apli is currently trading @ RM0.27.

Friday, November 03, 2006

lm cement & apli

i have lost my patience after all these consolidations over and over again. and since i'm going for holiday soon, i've decided to sell off as many as i could today.



entry price: RM0.885
exit price: RM0.96
trade length: less than 1 month
profit: RM 118.69


entry price: RM 0.235
exit price: RM0.245
trade length: less than 70 days
profit: RM 47.58

i'm sure all the above will go up for another round, then only its time to dispose. but, just feel like locking in the profit now.

happy trading.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


disposed cymao.

entry price: RM1.65
exit price: RM1.76
profit: RM80.31
trade length: less than a month.

Normally i would sell on strength, but it was on weakness today.
the reason i disposed was, in fact i do have a feeling that its gonna shoot tomorrow, but i was afraid that market correction will kick in anytime. KLCI closed at 6 years high around 995, its getting rather risky now. i will slowly unload my stocks, just in case anything happen.

bought mbfhldg @ RM0.47 on weakness.


remisier just called. I have sold my N2N, was just trying to match at a higher price the other day, thought it wasn't gonna make it, but she said it matched in the last 10 mins.

entry price: RM 1.58
exit price: RM 1.77
profit: RM 160.26
trade length: 2 months (revised)


sold kbes @ RM0.57
contra profit : RM RM92.67

will buy back later on weakness.

hiaptek is still strong after i've disposed it.
currently trading at RM1.27.


sold hiaptek @ RM1.24
profit: RM420.70

bought poshldg @ RM5.25

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


this one looks like a good bet. will watch closely, buy on weakness. sifu said target price RM0.59.

latest updates.

i've been actively buying since i last wrote about bernas. its been quite a rally for KLCI, i didn't have the mood to write, but now i'm thinking of a trading vacation. will see how.

below are the stocks that i've been accumulating, all of them are still in opened position. m planning to sell a few of them that has gained about 10% or above this week. can't really remember the date i bought them though, so please bear with me.

1. carlaw @ RM0.35

i saw sudden volume and move in this after it went down since june, and it seemed like it has reached its bottom and was trying to break out, i bought it at its highest price of the day, thinking it will go up more the next day, but ended up it was just a false signal. it fell back to RM0.32 or lower the next day, and has been hovering between RM0.30 and RM0.335 since. still holding it, its finally showed some price action for the past few days, hopefully the break out this time is for real. anyway, i would not consider such stock in the future looking back at its history, too easily cornered.

closing price: RM 0.33

2. cymao @ RM1.65

saw a trading sifu recommending this stock. i've been watching it since it broke out from RM1.00, tried to buy once but it didn't match, and KLCI was facing correction while testing its 970 strong resistence at that time, saw some sharp drop during its intraday session, i was scared of catching a falling knife, so was't dare to touch it till KLCI has firmly held above 980. watching its nice uptrend, with confident of trading sifu was into it as well, he jump i jumped.

closing price: RM1.79

3.hiaptek @ RM1.01

hiaptek has a very nice uptrend since the bull started to get in charge of KLCI. slow and steady, its one of my favorites now. i'm hoping it could break the RM1.20 hurdle soon, with steady volume, will watch closely if the taiko is distributing.

closing price: RM1.18

4. lmcemnt @ RM0.885

similar to hiaptek, its trend is slow and steady. a few healthy consolidations, no sharp rise or sharp drop, i feel very comfortable with this kinda stock.

5.maemode @ 1.28

it has dropped till RM1.24 today, i am a bit worried about it. crucial support at RM 1.20, if it drops below that level, will consider a cut loss. hopefully its just some shakening exercise by those taiko.

closing price: RM1.24


still holding my N2N, next target RM2.04.
Apli, no target price yet, will let the profit run.
bernas, up 2 sen today, making a new high of the month, good sign.

bought kbes @ 0.545 and Leader @ 0.51 yesterday. these 2 are really speculative compared to the rest i bought. both trends looks alright to me, and both just broke out again recently, should have more upside to go. wish me luck.

Due to the meltdown of the shining star "sugar" today, my kbes and leader were affected. the uptrend still strong, holding well at their support level. will see how US market close tonight, hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

happy trading.

revamp of trading blog.

all the articles below were transferred from my other site, which i have forgotten password of. and since i've been such a soya person, lets just call this, a soya tin trading site.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bernas koyak right away after i bought it and went down to RM1.63.There was not much selling pressure at all, it went down with little volume, so i assumed its just some retailers panicking about the overall sentiment now.Do note that some Wang Tek limited company has increased its stake in bernas up to 10%, the company acquired its shares on 12th and 28th Sept respectively with a higher price at RM1.71 and above.My entry price should be safe enough to keep for a while, unless anything happen to KLCI.


Monday, October 02, 2006

No trades since i last bought APLI. I'd been busy playing neopets and age of empire. No time to scan stocks nor study it or whatsoever.N2N has finally broken out from 1.58. good sign, more upsides coming. it's currently forming a base around RM1.64. will watch if KLCI's gonna penetrate 970 strong resistence or go sideways or go down. we'll see.still holding APLI. its got strong support at RM0.20, as long as it doesn't go below that, i'm gonna hold it.

Bought Bernas@RM1.70.


Friday, September 01, 2006

bought N2N@RM1.58. this stock has been trending up since listed, unbelievable! no signs of distribution yet.From the chart, it has shown 3 T formations for the past 2 weeks, bullish signals.will give it a bet.KLCI is still inching up, but volume going down, must be very cautious from now on. Correction may kick in anytime.

happy trading.

Final update before MERDEKA!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

at 4.08pm, Esso is trading@RM3.58 again, its become so volatile and i'm not dare to touch it again. The uptrend seems to be intact, and i believe there's more upside to it, i'll consider making an entry if it drops below RM3.30.Bought APLI@RM0.235 as i see a trend reversal, and with substantial vol for the past few days.Happy Merdeka!!

Esso - ride the trend.

第二季的财政报告陆续出炉,大部分的股价因而产生明显的波动。许多蓝筹股在是季相应报出好消息,带动股价劲扬,长期被忽略及低估的沧海遗珠,这时也应声上涨。Esso过去一直不被看好,但这次营业额上升23%,每股盈利增长约172%,相当惊人。我在esso报告出炉,且连续涨了2天之后,才在一个投资师傅的网站上看到有关esso的分析,除了pe值低得惊人以外,根据其基本面,这支股的合理价位应该在5块左右,目前虽然大涨了2天,收市时报RM3.12,但我看到买盘依然强劲,于是选择在第3天买入。次日一早打开电脑时,该股又再上扬RM0.10,达RM3.22,我即刻出手,成功于RM3.22购入。当天收市挂RM3.58,涨RM0.46,一天的涨幅,这样看来是非常惊人的。买入的第二天早上,该股再涨至RM4.06,但随即出现严重的套利活动,我看到股价从RM4.06,在顷刻间跌至RM3.56左右,随后受到买家托盘,涨回RM3.78,收市报RM3.70,是日涨幅RM0.12。我以为它会继续再涨,但第三天一早,股票经纪就打电话来说,esso开盘就开始掉,我看到情况不对,跌幅太大,会造成panic selling,所以我决定暂时先take profit,免得倒时赚幅更少,于是我在RM3.50出场,扣除手续费,赚进大约RM220,约6.8%回酬。如果我在RM3.70时选择出场,而没有选择忽视当天的套利活动,我的回酬便有13%,是现在的一倍。但希望它再涨的心态,总是让我在重要的时刻无法作出正确的决定,难怪股友们常常用一句话告诫我们这些新手,就是 -- hope kills!该止损的时候就必须毫不犹豫的就地实行,否则资金很容易就被套牢,永不超生。抱着希望玩股票,就好像抱着石头跳海一样,是自杀的行为。我以前受过惨痛的教训,资金亏损高达70%,从今以后,只要买卖股票,我必设止损点,以免重蹈复辙。Esso目前的价位,还在RM3.38上下挣扎。这或许是一个值得长期投资的股票,但我目前依然选择玩短线,所以不会考虑keep and accumulate。happy trading.

my stock trading diary.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
