Wednesday, April 25, 2007

property counters.

still holding my positions. i have this feeling that wctland is gonna bring me a 100% ROI, its close to 50% now. m also thinking whether to dispose ECM & TIME or not these two are moving too slow.

property counters are hot now.

Friday, April 13, 2007


very well played, TIME. you scared the hell out of me.

and i think its time for you to either make or break.. or i'm gonna have to let you go. so, behave yourself!


Bought ECM @ 0.95

my Time and texcycl both not looking good... em. wrong bet maybe. hehe. we'll see.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



Time @ 0.84 &
WCTLand @ 1.32

Monday, April 02, 2007

L&G sold.

L&G also done @ 0.42
profit: RM 664.60
trade length: also less than 1 month right? can't really remember..

arhh .. not the best price i cud have sold.. but.. well.. its done.


sold MRCB @ 2.19
profit: RM 824.34
trade length: less than 1 month

everythin just turn red all of a sudden.. well .. emm.. guess i could have sold it into strength.. but erhh.. well.. haha.. thats the plan.. i just chose to let the profit run.. if it could.. but then.. since its going the opposite way.. sell lor.. wat to do..

market sentiment... not to say bad.. but very very vulnerable now.

arh.. parking to sell L&G @ 0.42..