Thursday, December 28, 2006

lets hope for MRCB now.

just found out the MRCB i intended to sell that day, didn't match till the end of the day. n i kept thinking i oredi sold it off. emm... which means.. i still have my MRCB which is now trading @ 1.04 and i haven't make any loss on that counter! keek! :D

anyway, don't have anymore money to throw in, sold my ynhprop today @ 1.99, it went sky rocket after i disposed! darn! why did this always happen to me??!!!

MRCB has got lots of historical resistance ahead, its not easy to climb up quickly within a short period of time... but i'm seeing some big buyers supporting.. and looks like KLCI is ready for another rally.. woo hoo.. its getting real fun!

happy new year everyone. :)

Friday, December 22, 2006


ETITECH真是不倒的神话。但我从来就没胆买这种股。虽然technical chart几近完美。太恐怖了!

i'm so slow.





Thursday, December 21, 2006

positive. :)

thailand lift investment control, the whole asia market rebound. looks like thai government was intentional, probably a revenge against foreigners fund for1997 crisis. keek!

bought ynhprop @ 1.98
added N2N @ 2.02

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


saw a round a panic selling.. woo hoo.. KLCI melt down to 1050 in the afternoon session.. it is important to hold at 1050 level for 3 consecutive days..

ho ho ho, bear is coming to town!

KLCI continue to retrace further today, down almost 20pts. current support at 1050, 2nd support 1020.

some of the stocks have broken its uptrend line... N2N still holding. ynhprop.. still holding... the rest.. i'll need to look at the chart and candlestick formation tonight.

will stay out for the moment.

Monday, December 18, 2006

stock watch

i haven't done any stock scan for a long time. lazy. most of my tips are from other stock trading sifus, and i wasn't really paying attention to the buy/sell signals most of the time, which caused a few of my failures in recent trades.

here a list of stocks that are potential for upsides:

1. ynhprop. still holding up well today eventhou market sentiment is bad. uptrend still intact. i'm gonna consider making an entry tomorrow.

2. dialog. saw some big buyers eating up the shares today. i'm sure its gonna make more new highs.

3. mphb. some buyers accumulating, holding up well at its support level.

4. maybulk. we'll be seeing a buy signal soon if MACD cross the redline.

5. bslcorp. holding up well either, but macd no signal yet. RSI touched 70. wait and see.


cut loss @ ROm0.85
trade length: 1 week
profit/loss: - 379.66

Thursday, December 14, 2006


its a bloody good counter.. and i can't tahan anymore!

re-enter @ RM2.05..

lets hope for the best! ( -_- hope kills? )

news is out.

news is out today regarding bernas' privatization that is completing soon, and so bernas is losing steam...

something to share with you.. it always works.. seriously...

"buy on rumours, sell on news!"

don't eat the marshmellow yet!

my hand very itchy wanna enter N2N! but.. wait.. wait.. patience patience..

future index going down.. so is KLCI for the next few days.. just wait..


bought Naka @ RM 0.93.

planning to re-enter N2N. its a bloody good counter. will park my money in there for a while. stay away from other volatile counters!

being emotional.

there's one thing i shouldn't do anymore -> looking at the real time quotes all day long! it really gives me heart attack when the share price slips and triggers my stop loss.. and i totally forgot about my charts and analyisi n that sorts of stuff!!!

from now on.. i ain't gonna look at the real time quotes nor being emotional anymore.

hapi trading.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

MRCB recovered!

now trading at RM0.96.

patience patience.. i need lots of patience..

disposed MRCB.

i know its a good counter. but i can always buy back later.

entry price: RM1.05
exit price: RM0.93
trade length: 1 week
profit/loss: - 820.71

sold poshldg.

market sentiment is bad. disposed poshldg for cash. :D m looking at some better counters that are holding well in such a downtrend market, such as lmcement and integra.

entry price: RM5.25
exit price: RM4.96
trade length: a month
profit/loss: -376.55

happy trading!


it slowly recovered after i disposed. emm.. well it has triggered my stop loss anyway.. must sell according to planned.


mrcb must hold above RM0.95 today. a close below ema-21 is a bad sign. will have to cut loss as well.

ca no no..

sold airasia-ca.

entry price: RM0.28
exit price: RM0.21
trade length: contra
profit/loss: -742.26

vomit half of my hard earned profit liao.. wu wu

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

volume spike alert

should have taken the alert when KLCI spike on heavy volume the other day, its better off to clear all positions in such situation and keep the cash till correction is over, even with little losses.

another lesson to learn.

hapi trading.

speculative counters. no no..

i should never play such counters anymore.. look at my wimems and airasia-ca.. bleeding.. wu wu wu wu..

KLCI has been under profit taking the past few days.. yet i'm waiting for the next explosive burst.. keek!

Monday, December 11, 2006


bernas is unbelievable..

something must be wrong with my analysis.. why did i choose to get out so soon from a profitable counter??!!

wake up wake up..

bernas is finally taking a breather this morning.. leader is probably making a come back..

emm.. but my other counters still sleeping..? wake up la..

Friday, December 08, 2006

bernas again!

ok now its flying... ha


its been moving up for 7 consecutive days. no corrections??!!! damn.. but its getting expensive to add more now :(

i no more bullets liao!!! must dispose some first.. keek!


my hand really itchy..

enter airasia-ca @ 0.28

wimems not looking good..

emm volume going down.. so as the share price.. its showing lower lows and lower highs..
not looking good wor.. but there shouldn't be any selling pressure anymore though.. all indicators are down to the bottom already!

should i cut loss or not?

is the bear kicking the bull's ass?

market is under healthy correction now i believe.. or am i being too optimistic? :D

my counters are holding up well wor.. but KLCI and FKLI both bleeding wor..
can i be wrong? yeah.. why not.. keek!

time will tell..

Thursday, December 07, 2006


exit leader.

entry price: RM 0.51
exit price: RM 0.605
trade length: one and a half months
profit: RM 340.99

added more MRCB @ 1.02

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

disposed bernas

market is getting really hot now, which is time to be cautious. everyone seem so bullish, i'm trying to cash out as much as i can now. but somehow, some counters are just simply irresistable. :D

purchased MRCB @ 1.07/1.06.

Bernas @ 1.89
entry price: RM1.70
exit price: RM1.89
trade length: 2 months
profit: RM159.32

Monday, December 04, 2006


never really like this counter. and so once again i've lost my patience. sold it at RM0.36. made about 1% gain after deducting the brokerage. keek!

ipower and MRCB

will look at ipower and mrcb as well.

both have strong momentum and are looking good. :D


just noticed i didn't record buying Leader. it was done on 26.10.06 @ RM0.51. :)


no trades lately. been on vacation for more than half a month. :) now i'm back to work, and finally seeing some paper gain from Leader, carlaw and bernas. :D

so far i'm making about 8.2%, 4.3% and 20.6% from bernas, carlaw and leader respectively. i'm sure carlaw and bernas still have rooms for more upsides as they have just started to pick up last 2 weeks.

planning to sell these by end of this month, and will park my money in other counters. m looking at sapcres and maybe bursa-ca. ca wa wc are hot these days.